Music Mondays 01: Farewell 🌹

Music Mondays: Where every Monday I will share with you a handful of tattoo designs based around a favorite one of my songs (or two!). 
And through my email list, I’ll share with you my stories about these special songs, what they mean to me and why they make me smile 🙂

Today I’m doing 2 songs, a special occasion for my very first Music Monday. Both songs are by one of my absolute favorite artists -Qveen Herby

 Farewell: This song came out in 2020, and it was of course 2020 which speaks for itself. That year I was going through so much of a transition (especially with religion), like I’m sure many of you. And it is the exact time I decided to take the leap and get my first tattoo. 

You see it was something I had debated for 6 months - a tiny little rainbow in honor of Kacey Musgrave’s song “Rainbow” which is a story for another time. It was so special, and I wanted to somehow honor that song by getting a tattoo. I got a ring, and later on a necklace to fill that want, but it wasn’t enough. I knew I wanted a rainbow tattoo and taking that leap to get one was terrifying. 

Along side that tattoo, I knew I had to get the tattoo I always wanted - Never Looked Back from a song by the Lumineers “Slow It Down”. So essentially I knew I needed both tattoos but was suuuuper hesitant to get two tattoos. I was torn. I grew up super christian and this was not a light decision. 1 tattoo was something but 2?!? My ancestors would haunt me…. 

But in all seriousness, I was worried about the shame. I was worried of what people would think of me. I was worried I wouldn’t be worthy of gods love, my familys love and more. I honestly, so sadly thought that. 

But something came through to me, and I don’t think it was a coincidence that Farewell by Qveen Herby came out. 

“I’m not into gambling, but I bet on me”

A song about trusting your gut, trusting who you are, and trusting what truly feels good, right to you, and only you. 

So I took the leap. I did my research. I found 2 different artists and I got both tattoos. You can read more about my rainbow tattoo experience here >

Now let’s jump forward to  August 2022. Qveen herby has just come out with the most incredible podcast. It ultimately helped me to decide to do a rebrand and ultimately create Music Monday. You can read more about it here.

Once I decided to create Music Mondays, I’ve spent hours and hours trying to decide on which songs to create designs for. I always come back to my absolute favorites. The ones that feel raw and honest to me because they really impacted my life in some way. Faster by Qveen Herby is one of those songs that fell into that category recently. I had a night that I was working on my tattoo business, and I listened to that song. It felt like this bad ass girl anthem. I just imagined Qveen Herby driving in a super nice old school convertible, wearing a scarf around her wig, Big sunglasses, red lipstick, waving “love ya keep the change”. I decided I needed to make that into some type of tattoo. I drew out the design, and didn’t end up loving it as much. I decided to put it to the side and hoped to come back to it later

But the last few months I’ve also been re-watching my favorite show of all time: Marvelous Mrs Maisel. I could talk to you about it for hours, but just watch it, just trust me. I watched an episode and she was wearing the same thing I imagined in Qveen Herbys song and I realized I needed to make my design look more like Midge in the show. So I updated it and It was perfect.

Midge as a character matches perfectly to the attitude of the song, so I love the little hint of her in the design. 

And here we are today. I feel like these two Qveen herby songs came full circle in my life, and in my tattoo business journey.

Farewell was in my life during a time I was really struggling with religion, trying to get enough courage to get my tattoo…getting my first tattoo which lead me to becoming a tattoo artist…  to Qveen Herby’s podcast inspiring me to do a rebrand, and to creating Music Mondays. It only felt right to honor Qveen Herby this way. Life is kind of wild and amazing, isn’t it?

Thank you for being here. Seriously. Thank you. 

Now for a bit of the logistics…

To be a part of more Music Mondays just like this, join my email list. I oddly really love email marketing, and I wanted Music Monday to feel a little more like a group of friends, rather than a public Instagram page. You can sign up on my site!

Katie Grass

A lover of fashion, sewing, organization, learning, growing, and of course, writing about the things I care deeply about.

MM02: A Reminder - You are Enough 🌸